MBO-lib File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
arg_info.h [code]Template helpers to deal with members, arguments and parameters
deque2.h [code]Extended deque template
enumset.h [code]Template mbo::enumset: a set template that works with enum types
enumset.hpp [code]Template mbo::enumset: a set template that works with enum types
for_all.h [code]Template functions for_all, for_all_map_val, for_all_val
list2.h [code]Extended deque template
map2.h [code]Extended deque template
Mbo.h [code]Utility classes and functions by M. Börger
MboDebugTrace.h [code]Debug trace generator
MboDrawWin.h [code]Window class:
MboIniData.h [code]Class CIniData: storage/retrieval of initialisation data
MboLockedVar.h [code]Locked variables
MboMatrix.h [code]Template class Matrix
MboMemDC.h [code]Memory device context
MboRefCntPtr.h [code]Class mbo::RefCntPtr: reference counted pointer
MboStrHelper.h [code]String helper (template) functions
MboStrList.h [code]String list class:
MboStrMap.h [code]Associative array classes:
MboSynch.h [code]Synchronization objects for multi threaded targets and their corresponding fakes for use in single threaded targets. This can also be used to implement class templates that can be instanciated with or without locking functionality
MboThread.h [code]Thread classes:
MboTString.h [code]String classes, typedefs, conversions and macros:
quaternion.h [code]Template struct quaternion
reallocator.h [code]Reallocator
TDependentValues.h [code]Template class TDependentValues
TDynamicArray.h [code]Dynamic array
triplet.h [code]Template struct triplet
TStaticArray.h [code]Static array
vector2.h [code]Extended deque template

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