Mbo.h File Reference

Utility classes and functions by M. Börger. More...

#include <string>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "MboTString.h"

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namespace  mbo


#define Stringize(L)   #L
#define MakeString(M, L)   M(L)
#define Line   MakeString( Stringize, __LINE__ )
#define Reminder   __FILE__ "(" $Line ") : Reminder: "
#define MBO_API
#define DebugBreak()   _asm { int 3 }
#define MBO_THROW(exception, szMessage)
#define __THROWS(ex)   throw(ex)
#define __THROW2(ex1, ex2)   throw(ex1,ex2)
#define mbo_throw_if_not(exception, condition)
#define mbo_malloc(size)   malloc(size)
#define mbo_realloc(ptr, size)   realloc(ptr, size)
#define mbo_free(prt)   free(ptr)

Detailed Description

Utility classes and functions by M. Börger.

Marcus Boerger (http://marcus-boerger.de/)
This file is distributed under the LGPL license GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1.

Mbo-lib is hosted on http://code.google.com/p/mbo-lib/

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General stuff

Windows only

Definition in file Mbo.h.

Define Documentation

#define __THROW2 ( ex1,
ex2   )     throw(ex1,ex2)

Definition at line 199 of file Mbo.h.

#define __THROWS ( ex   )     throw(ex)

Definition at line 198 of file Mbo.h.

#define DebugBreak (  )     _asm { int 3 }

Definition at line 173 of file Mbo.h.


marks input parameters

marks output parameters

marks output parameters (return value must be freed if not NULL)

Definition at line 157 of file Mbo.h.

#define Line   MakeString( Stringize, __LINE__ )

Definition at line 95 of file Mbo.h.

#define MakeString ( M,
 )     M(L)

Definition at line 94 of file Mbo.h.

#define MBO_API

Definition at line 102 of file Mbo.h.

#define mbo_free ( prt   )     free(ptr)

Definition at line 253 of file Mbo.h.

#define mbo_malloc ( size   )     malloc(size)

Definition at line 251 of file Mbo.h.

Referenced by mbo::mem_reallocator< __ValueType >::allocate().

#define mbo_realloc ( ptr,
size   )     realloc(ptr, size)

Definition at line 252 of file Mbo.h.

Referenced by mbo::mem_reallocator< __ValueType >::reallocate().

#define MBO_THROW ( exception,
szMessage   ) 


_RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "%s", szMessage);\
    throw exception(szMessage);

Definition at line 194 of file Mbo.h.

#define mbo_throw_if_not ( exception,
condition   ) 


if (!(condition)) { \
        char szMessage[1024]; \
        _snprintf(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage)-1, "%s(%d): %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, #condition); \
        throw exception(szMessage); \

Definition at line 201 of file Mbo.h.

Referenced by mbo::reallocator< __ValueType >::reallocate().


Controls whether TDynamicArray throws exceptions (1, default) or calls exit(1) upon failure.

Definition at line 184 of file Mbo.h.

#define Reminder   __FILE__ "(" $Line ") : Reminder: "

Definition at line 96 of file Mbo.h.

#define Stringize (  )     #L

Definition at line 93 of file Mbo.h.

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© Marcus Börger
Generated on Fri Jan 18 21:21:08 2008 for MBO-lib by doxygen 1.5.4