mbo::IMutex Member List

This is the complete list of members for mbo::IMutex, including all inherited members.

DecEntered() const =0mbo::IMutex [protected, pure virtual]
Enter() const mbo::IMutex [inline, virtual]
GetHandle() const mbo::IMutex [inline, protected, virtual]
GetLevel() const =0mbo::ICriticalSection [pure virtual]
GetLock() const =0mbo::IMutex [pure virtual]
IncEntered() const =0mbo::IMutex [protected, pure virtual]
Leave() const =0mbo::ICriticalSection [pure virtual]
MutexList classmbo::IMutex [friend]
Try(DWORD nMilliseconds=0) const =0mbo::IMutex [pure virtual]
~ICriticalSection()mbo::ICriticalSection [inline, virtual]

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