mbo::CStrList Member List

This is the complete list of members for mbo::CStrList, including all inherited members.

_Mybase typedefstd::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc >
_Myt typedefstd::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc >
add_if_new(const _Ty &_Val)std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [inline, virtual]
add_if_prefix_match(const MboString &strValue, const MboString &strPrefix, bool bCaseSensitive=false, bool bOnlyNew=false)mbo::CStrList [virtual]
contains(const _Ty &_Val) const std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [inline]
contains_no(const _Ty &_Val) const std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [inline]
CStrList(const std::deque2< MboString > &other)mbo::CStrList
CStrList(const MboString &str)mbo::CStrList [explicit]
dyn_create(size_type _Count,...)std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [inline, static]
Explode(const char *szInput, const char *szSplit, CStrList &vstrResult, bool bClearInput=true, bool bTrim=false)mbo::CStrList [static]
Explode(const MboString &strInput, const MboString &strSplit, CStrList &vstrResult, bool bClearInput=true, bool bTrim=false)mbo::CStrList [static]
ExplodeZZString(const char *szList, CStrList &vstrResult, bool bClearInput=true, bool bTrim=false)mbo::CStrList [static]
limit(size_type _Limit)std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [inline, virtual]
operator bool()std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [inline]
operator+=(deque2< _Ty_a, _Alloc_a > &container, const deque< _Ty_b, _Alloc_b > &values)std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [related]
operator<<(deque2< _Ty_a, _Alloc_a > &container, const deque< _Ty_b, _Alloc_b > &values)std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [related]
operator=(const std::deque< MboString > &values)mbo::CStrList
position(const _Ty &_Val) const std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [inline]
sort()std::deque2< _Ty, _Alloc > [inline]
ToCStr(const MboString &strSplit=",") const mbo::CStrList
~CStrList()mbo::CStrList [virtual]

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